Dark Feminine Divine Art by Djakarta, features the enchanting elegance & soft radiance of the black feminine mystique in captivating photographs.
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A haunting display of macabre beauty.
Spellbinding. Her presence is magnetic. Conjuring swirls of luscious pink energy. Magus at her most potent. Witchery.
Mysterious. Quite serious. A femme fatale fantasy.
Poignant illustrations of excerpts from classic Black novels. From the eye of Djakarta.
"Six or seven Negroes were walking up the road toward the house: two boys from the slave catcher's left and some women from his right. He motioned them still with his rifle and they stood where they were. The nephew came back from peeping inside the house, and after touching his lips for silence, pointed his thumb to say that what they were looking for was round back..." Beloved - Toni Morrison
“In the late afternoon, before her husband closed his office and came home, she called her son to her period when he came into the little room she unbuttoned her blouse and smiled. He was too young to be dazzled by her nipples but old enough to be bored by the flat taste of mother's milk, so he came reluctantly, as to a chore and lay as he had at least once each day of his life in his mother's arms and tried to pull the thin, faintly sweet milk from her flesh without hurting her with his teeth. She felt him. His restraint, his courtesy, his indifference, all of which pushed her into fantasy.” Song of Solomon - Tony Morrison
“Mary gave no expression when she first heard and then saw the black woman through the first good opening. Rita once the box was open all the way, covered her eyes because even the weak light in the storeroom was too much for her to bear. “Don't send me back. Don't send me back.” Rita did not know if she was in New York or merely in a house only a plantation away from William Robbins. She could barely move and her mouth was dry because she had allowed herself only five sips of water during the entire trip. A journey into possible death could take a long time and so water shouldn't be wasted. Her body was too dry to even produce tears, and her words came out as if her mouth were stuffed with rags. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw Mary. “Don't send me back.”” The Known World -Edward P. Jones
"What is a good man? Is a good man a man who pays the bills? A man who comes home at night? A man who sits at the head of his table? Where is the boundary between the good man and the man who is me? I'm afraid sometimes that someone will look beyond the largeness of this man's shoes and see the small man quaking inside." Girl In The Mirror -Natasha Tarpley
“A long time ago I disappeared. One day I was here, the next I was gone. It happened as quickly as all that. One day I was playing schoolgirl games with my sister and our friends in a Roxbury playground, the next I was a nobody, just a body without a name or a history, sitting beside my mother in the front seat of our car, moving forward on the highway, not stopping. (And when I stopped being nobody, I would become white -- white as my skin, hair, bones allowed. My body would fill in the blanks, tell me who I should become, and I would let it speak for me.)" Caucasia -Danzy Senna
“Did people leave you, did their spirits simply take off, because you wouldn't read a book that turned them on? He now knew the answer was yes.” Temple of My Familiar -Alice Walker
The Dark Masculine Divine in a golden nocturnal scene.
Sophia Williams
Serena Hartley
Angela Madison
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